1 College Place
DuBois, PA 15801
Ms. Smith has been teaching in academia for over 20 years. Since 2012 she has been teaching at Penn State DuBois campus where she teaches anatomy & physiology, ecology, biology of aging, and medical terminology. She is involved with the campus community by being an active member of the Advising Council, Wellness Committee, Center for Undergraduate Education Advisory Committee, Occupational and Physical Therapy program advisory boards, Campus Sustainability Council, and is chair of the Student Affairs Committee. She helps with outreach by participating in the campus Student Orientation Day and Math Options Day.
Ms. Smith is currently continuing to learn through participation in the Gross Anatomy for Teacher Education (GATE) program the the University of Alabama School of Medicine in Birmingham, Alabama.
AS, Wildlife Technology - Penn State
BS, Biology - Edinboro University
MS, Biology - Edinboro University